This week my phone exploded! Well not quite, but the battery did expand and pop the screen off and started making a funky smell…
When this happened, I quickly run a backup and then shut it down. After that I booked in a service with the local (over an hour drive away) Apple Genius Bar. Yes, this was my top of the line (a year ago) Apple iPhone 14 Pro. It was my most recent device in a long line of iPhone’s. and it’s the very first to give me any grief.
Protection is Good
I take care of my gadgets. I always keep them in a protective case in apply a screen protector. Every device before this (going back to the iPhone 3G) has been in near new condition, even after years of use. Sure, the batter is a little tired, but I have never damaged an iPhone in over a decade of use.
That was until the 14 Pro. 😒
I remember sitting on the lounge a few months after I got my new phone. As I often do, I pulled the case off to check for dirt and dust and give my phone a quick clean. To my shock, the entire back glass panel was shattered! It has been inside a protective case (not those cheap ones, but one designed to reduce shocks).
Off to the Genius Bar I go. They run some diagnostics. Check my account then deliver the news “I’m sorry sir, you do not have Apple Care and the window to purchase it has expired. You’ll have to pay $900 for us to fix your phone.”
All because I didn’t have Apple Care. 😐
A few months later, I get it repaired at a fraction of that price.
Right to Repair is a Myth
Many months after my phone was repaired, the battery starts swelling. Great. Off to the Genius Bar again.
The girl takes a look and sniff (weird) and confirms “yep, definitely a damaged battery”. She starts digging into the phone’s history. Can see that I had previous been in to enquire about a damaged back glass. But it’s obvious it’s been fixed. She explains “Who repaired this for you? They did one of the best repairs I’ve seen”. I explain it was our local Phone Fix guys.
She takes my phone out the back to chat with a manager. I’m thinking they might give me a refurbished phone as a replacement.
A few moments later my Genius Bar helper returns and states “I’m sorry sir, we cannot replace this as it was repair by an unauthorised repairer.”
My choice, buy a refurbished device that is not eligible for Apple Care or a new device that is. So much for customer loyalty. I’ve spent close to $30k one Apple products over the years. Right now, there are 12 Apple devices in use within my home!
Customer Service Only for VIPs
I used to applaud Apple’s exceptional customer service. Ensuring their customers love the experience of owning an Apple device, even when it failed, seemed to be their top priority. Now…that’s only seems to be the case if you spend extra on an optional insurance cover…Apple Care.
I’m too embedded into the Apple ecosystem. So, I bought a new phone. But here’s something I discovered about my digital life…it sucks when the device that grants you access to that world is dead! Yes, all my password, identity card, and account numbers were locked away on a device that was too risky to turn on! I have not carried a wallet in over 4 years…I’ve had no need. Everything I needed was on my smartphone.
What should have taken an hour to resolve, took over four (4) hours! The team at the Apple store were really helpful (Apple’s policies were not). And we eventually figured out how to work around this lack of digital access.
Lessons Learnt
I am extremely upset with Apple’s polies relating to a loyal customer and their treatment of those without their addon insurance (Apple Care). However, until appropriate right-to-repair legislation is introduced, we will continue to face these issues. For now, the only solution is to purchase insurance (Apple Care or equivalent) for these extremely expensive and important devices.
However, it is the impact on our lives when everything is digital. I know I am an oddity as most people still card a wallet and use physical cash, card, and identities. Yet soon, holding all these import parts on modern life one your personal, electronic device will be normal. Everyone will do this. And when our devices break, our ability to interact with our world will be severed.
In that world, what would happen to our civilization if all our devices went dark?